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Getting Started#


Maven Central

Add the following to your build.sbt file:

val zioMongo = "com.bilal-fazlani.zio-mongo"
val zioMongoVersion = "<ADD VERSION HERE>"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  zioMongo %% "zio-mongo" % zioMongoVersion,

  // for circe codecs
  zioMongo %% "circe-codec" % zioMongoVersion,
  // OR for zio-json codecs
  zioMongo %% "zio-json-codec" % zioMongoVersion, 


package example

import com.bilalfazlani.zioMongo.*
import com.bilalfazlani.zioMongo.codecs.zioJson.given
import org.bson.types.ObjectId
import org.mongodb.scala.model.Filters.equal
import org.mongodb.scala.model.Updates.set
import zio.Console.printLine
import zio.ZIOAppDefault

object ZIOJsonExample extends ZIOAppDefault {

  val persons: Seq[Person] = Seq(
    Person(ObjectId(), "Charles", "Babbage", 34),
    Person(ObjectId(), "George", "Boole", 19),
    Person(ObjectId(), "Gertrude", "Blanch", 74),
    Person(ObjectId(), "Grace", "Hopper", 14),
    Person(ObjectId(), "Ida", "Rhodes", 30),
    Person(ObjectId(), "Jean", "Bartik", 22),
    Person(ObjectId(), "John", "Backus", 56),
    Person(ObjectId(), "Lucy", "Sanders", 51),
    Person(ObjectId(), "Tim", "Berners Lee", 46),
    Person(ObjectId(), "Zaphod", "Beeblebrox", 15)

  override def run = for {
    client   <- MongoZioClient("mongodb://localhost:27017")
    database <- client.getDatabase("mydb", JCodec[Person])
    col      <- database.getCollection[Person]("test")
    person = Person(ObjectId(), "bilal", "f", 1)
    insertR <- col.insertOne(person)
    first   <- col.find().runHead
    _       <- printLine(first)
    _       <- col.insertMany(persons)
    _       <- printLine("5.....")
    _       <- col.find(equal("name", "Ida")).runHead
    _       <- col.updateOne(equal("name", "Jean"), set("lastName", "Bannour"))
    _       <- col.deleteOne(equal("name", "Zaphod"))
    count   <- col.countDocuments()
    person  <- col.find(equal("name", "Jean")).runHead
    _       <- printLine(s"Persons count: $count")
    _       <- printLine(s"The updated person with name Jean is: $person")
  } yield ()